New? Start Here!

So, What is “new rustic” anyway?

New Rustic means making the old new again.  One of my primary visions, as we journey into the post-peak world to relearn skills that have been lost or nearly forgotten by present generations, with a goal of recreating these traditions for the future. New Rustic chronicles our attempt as a family to live an ecologically conscientious life in the face of a changing world.

While the prospects of making the lifestyle changes that will inevitably come with the post-peak oil era may seem daunting, I believe that we will all find a new normal if we build community and share our lessons in living with less (and in turn, living MORE). I am well-aware that there are many writers, educators, activists out there who are already doing far more than we are, but I see this project as a work in progress as we learn how to transition to a new way of living and hope that as we find our “new normal”, others will follow.

Please explore the posts, pages and links on this website to learn more about peak oil and what it means for our global society as we learn new “rustic” skills, as well as to connect with many creative and lovely souls who are doing the work to help all of us through these changing days.

One thought on “New? Start Here!

  1. Love this blog Emily!!! And thank you, similarly, for sharing your gifts with us! I miss you all immensely, but I love that I can get a taste of what you’re all up to through your blog!

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